Saturday, March 7, 2009

Weird Music... I Do Not Condone This Kind of Behavior

This is just a quick tribute to: one piece of music i think was amazing despite the fact that the composer was crazy; one piece of music that shouldn't be allowed in my humble opinion; and one piece that is pretty good but has a kind of shameful back story.

The first piece i'm referring to is by French, Romantic era composer Hector Berlioz and it is called Symphonie Fantastique. He wrote it while tripping (high off his butt) on opium and it was inspired by an actress he saw in one play that moved him so much he began to stalk her. In this fourth of five movements he is being brought to the gallows to get his head chopped off by the guillotine for his infatuation for her. The coolest part is how Berlioz used symphonic orchestra instruments to make real life noises that told a story. Look out for the ending of the movement when you hear the guillotine come down and then his head bounce a few times - this guy was ahead of his time! To complete his backstory, it turns out that when he presented this piece to the public the actress who he wrote it for was so moved she married Berlioz. But, in the end, they broke it off. surprise surprise.
Berlioz's Symphonie Fantastique - March to The Scaffold

This John Cage piece kind of speaks for itself. Except that it doesn't - Literally! it's 4 minutes and 33 seconds of silence. I like giving artists some leeway in their creativity but even Rembrandt couldn't have sold a blank canvas. That's like a singer coming on stage and not singing! Or a restaurant that doesn't fill you up. Or a politician running for office with no knowledge of what to do! O wait... britney spears lip-synching, half the expensive restaurants in NYC and George W. Bush. 'Nuff said.

John Cage - 4'33"

Threnody for the victims of hiroshima. Threnody being a kind of memorial tune. Scary song. Acquired taste. Worked well in the movie "The Shining". But did you know that it was initially an untitled piece written with no intent to pay homage to Hiroshima victims? The producer just thought it would sell better with that title. Like most program music the title shapes your understanding of the song. Well i never!

Threnody for the victims of Hiroshima by Krzysztof Penderecki

Enjoy your listening selections

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