Saturday, March 7, 2009

Got Milk?

Every year after the Oscars I like to catch up on films that got a lot of acclaim that I might have missed. I'm a big film buff but sometimes it's easy to get swept into the avalanche of media and end up only catching the blockbusters and missing the little nuggets of gold. Last night i watched Milk, the story of the first San Francisco supervisor shot down in his prime. Considering the dramatic ending, which i won't give away, I'm surprised it took so long to make this film. The movie gives a pretty powerful insight into the gay community and their perspective on civil rights.

I've never considered myself homophobic but watching Milk made me realize that the simple act of not condemning a group of people doesn't necessarily align you with them. Like African-Americans, Jews, women or any other minority group the struggle for equality is very tedious and can only be furthered by regular people being proactive. Whether it is in the way you think, vote or act.

On a more critical note, Sean Penn, who has always been an impressive actor, delivers an awesome performance that will leave me convinced that he really is Harvey Milk for a long time to come ( I just got over the fact that he isn't actually retarded as he portrayed himself in "I Am Sam").

So far I have really been impressed with the movies that garnered acclaim this year. Slumdog Millionaire was also a great film, less for its individual performances and more for its composite of beautiful scenery and terrific music. The curious case of Benjamin Button also held my interest (which is no mean feat as it was almost three hours long), and told a very powerful tale about the futility of aging and the great journey that is life.

Is everyone still working on their joker impressions? Or maybe you're more of a batman baritone type. "I DON'T WEAR HOCKEY PADS!" I've even been known to take out my Jar-Jar Binks from time to time. When i've had one too many drinks I tend to bust out a Robert Downey Jr. in blackface but that can be a little politically incorrect. I can do a pretty good slumdog millionaire impression (JamalMalikChaiwallaWhatAPlayer!) and a fair harvey milk impression. I guess acting is another of my many often neglected interests. But it is defintely fun to get into and all it really requires is a mirror. Look (up) at Benjamin Button... you get the idea.

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