Saturday, March 7, 2009

Meryl Streep does my blog (sort of)

A movie is being filmed a few blocks from my house and it looks like I beat to the chase in figuring this one out. IMDB describes the film as "A romantic comedy in which two men vie for the affection of a woman." The information i hunted down tells me it's allegedly called "the bakery" and it is starring Meryl Streep, Alec Baldwin and Steve Martin. Right off the bat I was intrigued - I love baked goods and Meryl Streep is a great actress. So far I can't complain.

I went to report straight from the scene for exclusive interviews with cast and crew!

Unfortunately the only actual soundbite i got was from a grumpy looking catering guy named Greg who said "Yeah it's a movie but you can't go in." My follow-up consisted of a stealthy walk around the picnic house that the filming is being done in where i valiantly stared down a young woman with a walkie-talkie who repeatedly tried to shoo me away.

I did manage to create a vivid interview with the stars of this film in my head on the downtrodden walk home. This is how it went and, may i say, these celebrities couldn't be more gracious!

[I am ushered onto the set to sit at a cozy little wrought-iron cafe table with Meryl Streep, Steve Martin and Alec Baldwin. A young waiter serves us coffee and a large plate of assorted pastries. Graciously, Steve Martin pass me the plate first and i take a few cookies and pass it to Meryl. After we have all eaten our fill of pastry (Alec devoured all the pecan bars and ate the half of brownie that Meryl was done with) we got to talking.]

Me: So, The Bakery, it seems like a really innovative film in its setting. What is it like filming most of your scenes in and around this one store.
Steve: I couldn't be happier, yknow, because in my last pink panther film I got so bruised up doing some of my stunts that I was essentially wheeled in here and seated and I havent moved since. Mind you i wouldn't want to be the Key Grip who has to clean this area every night after shooting.
Me: Haha, Steve you're always such a character! Would you say this movie is an allegory for the overconsumption of baked goods in America?
Alec: No. This is a romantic comedy. If there is any moral in the movie it will have to do with relationships. [aside] who let this kid in?
Me: [nervously] so Meryl i recently saw you at the Oscars, you looked great [ a small nod]. Do you consider yourself past the point where you only want to be in good, compelling films that people might consider going to see for other reasons than to waste time on a date?
Meryl: [ Throwing her head back and laughing I am reminded of a Hepburn-like grace] I like to mix it up between good movies and what I like to to think of as fun movies. I think people will enjoy this film though.
Me: Ok, if you say so. Now i'd like to ask you all one more question. [The security has been made aware of my presence and is heading over to the table.] Meryl, Steve, Alec, what was your favorite movie of 2008?
Alec: Milk
Steve: Doubt
Meryl: Iron Man

And there you have it. It could have potentially been a much better interview but even my imagination couldn't secure an all-access pass. I look forward to seeing The Bakery, surely a fine film.

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