Friday, October 22, 2010

How long has it been?

Too long!

Sorry for the infrequent posting. i think this is the downfall of most personal blogs. Life gets in the way. It isn't as if I haven't been cooking, writing, hiking and traveling. Because I have. (In fact, you can check out my Village voice blog posting linked to the title above!)

But I guess, in some way, living and writing are antithetical practices. It isn't as if Hemingway composed the sun also rises in the interim between the climax of one bull fight and the beginning of the next, tucked away amidst a crowd of riled up Spaniards guzzling Tinto de Verona and passing Chicharrones through the rows.

I am still perplexed by the way that journalists manage to experience things and then put them to print so quickly, without any internalization of the experience. That is still a bit too much for me.

I am thinking about restructuring this blog or maybe just moving on to a new one. Something a bit more focused, more angular. A place where I can focus more on writing. Let me know if you have any thoughts on that. This sort of vague HTML Frankenstein creation that stitches together unrelated parts of my life seems to drag a little. Alas

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