Thursday, October 29, 2009

Chubby Whole Wheat Waffles

Waffles. A diner classic. A college dining hall stand-by. A canvas for a mountainous glob of whipping cream and fresh berries. I like my waffles extra crispy with a pad of butter skating over the indentations leaving evidence of its trail in every nook it passes. Some maple syrup drizzled on top in fine strands that cling to the highest parts of the waffle like tightropes laid out across its surface.

What I don't like is super-dense, gooey cubes of batter hardened by lukewarm iron trays with little square indentations poked in at the end in a desperate attempt to create the facsimile of a waffle. Unfortunately, that is all I could do.

I bought a waffle iron one day on an impulse to further clutter my kitchen. More important in my purchasing decision was the price: Seven dollars!! How could I go wrong for Seven dollars? Let me count the ways. This grotesque abberation in cookware is almost certainly created with the play-doh crowd in mind. It is an Easy-Bake oven in drag and it caught me on the corner in a moment of weakness. So despite a fairly interesting. healthy whole wheat waffle recipe I am forced to suffer damp, browned-at-the-edges dough for years to come.

A word to the wise. In cookware there is often a reason for price discrepancies and hopefully this can serve as a cautionary tale to all those bargain hunters out there.

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